Costume & Prop Conventions


In crime/drama films usually the ‘damsel in distress’ wears fairly nice clothing. The hero has a range of costumes, sometimes they could be dressed in a smart suit and other Jason Statham times they could be in quite rugged in Transporter rough clothes possibly after a fight. The villain usually wears similar clothing to the hero but maybe darker.

In our film, the victim who is in trouble will be wearing casual clothing as she is supposly acting as a normal person. While also wearing a white top to symbolise purity and innocence. While the hitman wears black clothing at a party to blend in with he crowd, casual clothing  when on a date with the Vitim as this is the time when he begins to have feeling for her. But when he I son the job; he wear a full suit like how they stereotypically wear them in films like ‘James Bond’. The boss will also be in full black as stereotypically we see boss’s on TV wearing very smart clothing to work.


The hero will have quite Casino Royale natural make up, but when he experiences a fight or a car chase, his make-up will make him look bruised and bloody. The damsel will have quite innocent Vulnerable, natural pretty make-up innocence The villain may have quite dark eyes Evilness Props- Guns, knives, fast cars, ‘blingy’ jewellery.

In our film, the only person who wore makeup wears the character of the victim as we only felt right that she should dress up for the scenes when the hitman and victim are on a date and when she’s at the party.


In crime/drama films the stereotypical props used in the films are guns, knives, fast cars and expensive jewellery. This is because men in crime/drama films are portrayed as being flashy and rich; so the characters feel as if it’s right to splash their money on expensive items like the ones I’ve listed above.

In our film; we use the gun as this is what Max(Hitman) will have to use to be able to kill Alexandra (Victim). We also use Apple products and Coke products o be able to show product placement in the trailer. This is because in the real world; if we showed these products in a film or trailer the production company would be payed to advertise the brand.