Costume & Prop Ideas

Our ideas:

Hitman (Max Blake):

For the Hitman, the group believed that he would look best in a suit. This is because as seen in other films (mostly action) with a hitman or agent for instance James Bond dresses very smartly and always looks presentable. We believe the same with our Hitman. That he would come from a top secret agency but represents themselves as very sophisticated i.e.. setting their HQ in a location like Quendon HalIMG_3422lIMG_3428.

To the right, is a two pictures outlining what we believe our chosen Hitman will wear. With the jumper I believe shows that the Hitman is much older than the cast member will be and won’t fit in with the image in the groups mind of having a young looking Hitman. While with just a tie and buttoned up shirt, it shows sophistication, young but wealthy. So for this reason the group went with the white shirt look.

Boss (Jane Browning):

For the Boss, the group believed that she would also dress very smartly like the Hitman i.e. smart black trousers with either a blouse of specially a red blouse as it will represent her as power with lots of authority. This allows the IMG_3430audience to undersIMG_3433tand that the Boss has a lot of power. The red blouse  will also symbolise danger because the colour red has the connotations of danger and evil. This will make the audience feel intimated by her because she is represented in this way. This goes again the stereotype of women in general as the Boss isn’t stereotypically a female. Females are also normally seen as being weak and kind. However, the Boss will be represented as powerful and evil, which challenged the stereotype.

Furthermore, by making it clear to the audience to see the film. This is because if the audience knows that Jane is the villain, they will want to watch the film to find out whether she was successful or not with her plans.

Victim (Alexandra Palmer):

For the Victim, we decided to dress the character as very casual this is because we want to show the audience that she has less power than the boss and the hitman. This enforces the stereotypical female look which is being weak and vulnerable, becIMG_3465auIMG_3468se she is seen to be wearing informal clothing. Wearing white top also represents the character as innocent and pure because she is in danger and therefore the white highlights this to the audience. The group chose an outfit similar to this to show the audience which character is in danger so the storyline is more easy to follow which can help the audience to follow the storyline easier.

The group is considering in also just letting the character be as relaxed as possible. For instance the character could easily wear leggings and a baggy jumper. However, we want the character to look pure so we opted for the white top.


The only prop in the whole film trailer that we will be using is a gun. This is because the Hitman has the gun in his hand to portray to the audience that he is someone that shouldn’t be messed with. There are no other props needed as most shots are just quick shots either to establish location, to introduce a character or for dialogue to emerge.


Mobile Phone:

The mobile phone will be used in the trailer of our film to be able for character to interact with each other but in different locations. For instance the Hitman and Boss will need to interact to be able to now where the victim of the film is at certain points.

Filming Day:

Hitman (Max Blake):

On filming day for the scene of where Max meets with the boss (Jane). The group believed that he would best in a suit as it looks very smart. Like anyone, if going to meet their boss that they would want to look respectable to them. As hIMG_3864e is IMG_3866a hitman as well many hitmen/spies stereotypically wear a suit so this is another reason we placed the character of Max in a suit. The group believed that he would look best in a suit as seen in other films (mostly action) with a hitman or agent for instance James Bond dresses very smartly and always looks presentable. To the right, is Cameron playing the role of the Hitman. IMG_3900

In another scene where Max and Alexandra met to have a small talk in the park, Max had to look very casual because he was going to meet the victim (Alexandra), a girl that he supposedly likes. He had to look casual as he had to blend in with everyone around him and he had to show that he was just a normal guy towards Alexandra.

In the party scene, Max wore dark clothing. This is because he had to look cIMG_3946asual enough to be able to pull off as just being someone at the party but he also wore dark clothing as Max was disguised as a normal person undercover when being a hitman and scooping out Alexandra.

The dark clothing symbolises that Max has a dark side while trying at act as a normal partying person but also has a job to do.

Victim (Alexandra Palmer):


For the Victim, on film day we decided to use a very casual costume as Alexandra is just suppose to be a typical normal girl. The picture to the right shows Tiegan who plays the victim dressed in the costume for the party scene. The reason why we chose a very dark outfit for Alexandra is because in the part scene it was very dark so we used that to our advantage so that Alexandra would blend into the setting. This is to represent the character of Alexandra to be a typical girl who blends in with the crowd.

In the scene that shows a typical date between two people. The characters are dressed very casually like any stereotypical boy/girl. We chose a white shirt for the character of Alexandra as it symbolises purity and innocence. We want to symbolise the character as sweet and innocent as she is the victim of the whole film.

Boss (Jane Browning):IMG_7159

For the scene where the boss and the hitman met; the group felt that the Boss would look best in a suit of some sort either as a black dress, black skirt or black trousers. We decided to have the Boss’s arms showing in some scenes as it symbolised the boss as being very hard and serious. However, in the photos to the right it shows Michelle playing the role of the Boss wearing a blazer, this is because we also wanted her to wear a lot black.  This is because it symbolises dark and hatred. We want the Boss to represent herself in this way to the audience as the group want the character to come across as very mean.


Product Placement

Product placement is a practice in which manufacturers of goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in films and television programmes.

The group decided to use product placement in the film because if the film was made for in the cinemas; using other brand products would result in helping to promote the film from advertisements that the company had done. But also it is an unnoticed convention of films today; so the group decided to follow this convention. For example in Back to the Future trilogy which is a comedic science fiction film series directed by Robert Zemeckis. Since it involved time travelling, it also presents an opportunity to showcase different brands in different time periods. Some brands, notably Pepsi and Nik, have embraced the opportunity and made example of great product placement.

For our trailer we have chosen Diet Coke and Apple as the brands we are promoting. We chose these because they are recognisable products that are noticeable but still subtle, for example showing the Boss drinking coke or the inetraction of the Boss and the Hitman using an iPhone. This also helps add to the realism of the film as the characters are shown using real products. The diet coke will be on Jane’s desk in front of Maxcoke.

Coca-Cola : A diet coke will be placed in the film trailer as it creates money for the film production as businesses will pay us to be able to place their products in a film like ours. The diet coke can will be placed on the desk of the Boss, clearly seen when a mid-shot of the Boss is taken.

Apple: IPhones will be used throughout the production process either to be used as a prop so that characters can interact with each other while in different locations. Apple is a mass business meaning that they would want iphonetheir products seen in as much media as they can receive while also as a production team we are excited to be able to use high end media products in the film.