Deconstruction 1 – Annabelle



The main image of the poster is a long shot of Annabelle. The use of showing her whole body is that it implies to the audience that Annabelle has two sides to her the first being the sweet innocent china doll that we are first introduced to if looking at the doll from far away. But when coming closer we see that the doll looks evil and implies that she is connected to the devil that we later get introduced to. The film poster uses a colour scheme which is heavily linked into traditional horror film schemes’, as the black and red are used to indicate danger, death and fear, and the lack of white is used to indicate the lack of hope and good within the film. However, the white dress symbolises purity which Annabelle juxtaposes to.

The title of the films allows the audience to find out what the film is called. The reason why the film name is at the bottom of the poster is because the company doesn’t want the audience to be drawn away from the main character. ‘The Conjuring’ is displayed on the poster, the same way it was presented on its own poster, making a link between the two films, also drawing in the same type of audience that liked ‘The Conjuring’. The font size of ‘The Conjuring’ has been sized bigger than the words either side of the text to make it standout and draw attention to it, but not as big as ‘Annabelle’ so then the main focus is on her name. The colour of the masthead is red, again painting the image that Annabelle is evil and dangerous. The time phrase “before” suggested that the audience believed that ‘The Conjuring’ was the start but it wasn’t. So this could perhaps be a plot twist in some audiences minds.

Promotion of the film and production teams are at the bottom of the film poster to show audience members who are interest on the director who may be A-list helps persuade the audience to go see the film more. It helps the audience to assume that the films past directors or production companies have done will be similar to the film that is about to be released. The release date shows ‘coming soon’ to be able to keep the audience in suspense to when the film will be shown. This poster displays a small ‘#’ in small font, so that the audience can see it and also so it can be hash tagged on Twitter which can be sued as another form of medium to promote the film.