Draft 1 Feedback

This is a very basic draft as I was just getting to grips of the main image; in the end I chose the protagonist. I choose this certain image as it showed the audience the protagonist in the film as stereotypically Empire Cinema film magazines use the main character on the front to help the audience make a connection with the character. The character is holding the prop of a gun to show the audience that the genre of the film is an action/crime film. However; I need to add something to the poster for it to be able to make a connection with the other part of the genre which is drama/romance. I choose this image of Cameron as it helps represent his character played as powerful. This image also makes the audience wonder what type of action is about to happen, who is this character perhaps about to kill. It keeps the audience wondering; so much that they would want to see the film. The font of the title ‘Love is Lethal’ is used in this particular font as it is the same font use din the film. This create symmetry; so that when the target audience geos and watches the film they can relate back to the poster that they saw. I added a dark glow round the edges of the title to make it look like a boarder so that it would stand out to the audience that as well as seeing the main image; the audience will also remember the name for the film.

When I showed my 1st draft to people who were in the bracket of my target audience. They suggested that even though it is only my first draft that I add colour to the background. This was true as when looking up many other Empire Cinema magazines; most had adventurous backgrounds with the protagonist in the foreground.