Draft 2 Feedback

For the second draft I was still just playing around with what I think looks best, what genre my film is and what is right for my target audience. Since my last draft, I have changed much. I’ve seen many film posters have reviews, rating and awards on them to make it look professional and to make the film look really good to the audience. I decided to do the same. I added a 5 star rating to my poster with a  little review from the Queens Tribune. This shows the professionalism of the poster and film. I also decided to add when the film was coming out. I only said ‘coming soon’ as it keeps the audience in suspense to when the film will actually be released. This is almost like a teaser poster to show a part of who and what will be in the film trailer. It is used to advertise the film. I also decided to an outer glow on the character of Max Blake as it really stood out of the poster and it made it sure that this would be one of the first things that the audience would see when looking at this poster. The protagonist of the film will also stand out to the audience to perhaps being in other well made films that they recognised

After this draft, I again asked people to look at it who are within the target audience. It was suggested again that I add colour to the background. It was also suggested that I made the “coming soon” text a different colour from white to something more that jumps out to the audience, to make it stand out. This is because many people in the target audience discussion believed that it blended to much in with the credits an that it needed to pop out to the audience so that they get excited that something new is ‘coming soon’.