Draft 5 Feedback

From what the target audience group told me; I choose to make the background bigger so that it would cover the whole poster and not just the top half of the poster as the audience could see a line from where one background met another. I also added the actresses and actors name at the top of the poster. I did it at the top as that is where stereotypically the names of actors/actresses would be placed. From this I also added awards given by three different film festivals; Venice, Berlin and Sundance. This shows that film is well made and ,any people enjoyed it as the film received so many awards.

Next time, I would like to make the font of the name of the stars a bit smaller as they aren’t as important as the main image of the protagonist but is till important to feature on the poster. I also made the awards smaller for the same reason; that they at important enough o be on the poster but nit as important as the main image.