Genre specific deconstruction 5 – Spider Man


The layout for this magazine is informal and mostly shows the magazine having information about the film “Spider man” this being the most recent and popular film it is advertised on the main page with a large picture of the main character which takes up nearly the whole page and a large title with goes across the middle of the page. Below the main picture of superman there is also a “+” which then shows all the other articles in the magazine, this shows the audience what else there getting for their money as well as the main information about spider man, this gives the audience a sense of “getting more for your money” which makes them happy with the magazine.

The format for the magazine makes the audience focus on the key bits of the magazine which the magazine authors believe to be most interesting and most popular, this gets audiences to buy the magazine for these parts. The main article taking up most of the magazine front cover is an example of this and shows popularity of the article with its size on the front cover being so large. Audience get attracted to the news of “change” whether it being of a character look or a character’s name audiences are always interested in change of the characters that they are already comfortable with, therefore the strap line which quotes “the new look” intrigues the audience to buy the magazine to see how Spiderman has changed from his stereotypical outfit to something different, this will affect older fans of Spiderman who want to see how the character is developing.

For fans that aren’t happy with the new look, this article might give more explanation about why the look has changed etc., this is all gratifying the audience because of the knowledge in they are gaining and the “exclusive” feel they get from reading about a character change of appearance, this feel makes them feel more part of the film community, this positive feeling is then linked to the magazine which leads to repeat purchase. The name of the title being in red allows it to stand out from the rest of the magazine, this maintains the audience knowing the name of the magazine and therefore maintains the magazine brand identity that it follows as being a popular highly regard film magazine which some people may connote as being huge, great and powerful due to the connotation the name of the magazine gives “Empire”.

For fans of spider man, the black costume now gives off a different feel to the character, alone with the dark eyed and dark-haired look on the actors face there is a clear change in character morals, feel and personality. The audience will want to research further into their thoughts and discover what is happening to the character’s, this fulfilment of knowledge will bring gratification. The price and barcode being near the central images reminds the reader that if they are not pleased with the price they are getting what they paid for due to the good information about the central character being in the magazine and buying a “Empire “magazine which has a good reputation for giving the best content in magazines. Below all the articles titles there is a large bold word which states “Free” This word attracts the audience in many way, firstly they feel like they are getting more for their money and that they are gaining something extra from the magazine, they also feel empowered by gaining a film poster because they feel more in the film community that they have a piece of film advertisement and merchandise. There is also an explanation mark to express the meaning of the word and what it can be for the audience.