Genre specific deconstruction 3



Looking at Pulp fiction the first thing the audience will be drawn to is the name of the film. This is because the title appears in large, bold capital letters and takes up the header of the poster. Not only this but the colours red and yellow contrast each other, making the words ‘Pulp Fiction’ stand out. The main image is a photograph of a seductive woman holding a cigarette in one hand and resting a gun in the other. These two props are very powerful in the poster, they tell you a lot about the character. The cigarette shows not only a bad habit but addiction. The gun gives her the ‘bad girl’ image, it straight away suggests danger and explains why she is dressed all in black connoting death as well as making her look “sexy” which suggests her victim must be male.

The characters facial expression is very serious, meaning ‘business’. Her cheek bones are prominent because of her pout and lips outstand with the blood red lipstick. Make-up and shaped eyebrows shows she is well presented and wants to impress. Her stare is fixed and directly at the audience which is very effective because it draws male attention and grabs a viewer’s eye, making them feel like this character is waiting for them. The way the character is positioned, on her stomach, legs crossed and prompt on a cushion with fingers spread out suggests elegance, comfort and waiting, all in a provocative manor. As well as her seductive facial expression she is wearing a low-cut dress and a necklace with a red gem which again suggests blood, danger and love. The high heels also portray the image of looking “Sexy” and dominance; being taller than her victim or slightly the same height.

The bed, closed blinds and the tilted lampshade also add to the composition in the poster. All of these objects are there for a reason. This character obviously takes dominance on her victim in the bedroom. The lampshade is titled towards her, lighting up her face in the dark lit room. The closed blinds suggest privacy for the kill.