Production & Distribution


I have chosen Miramax as the film trailers production company as it has many successes in the production of ‘Good Will Hunting’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’, a crime – drama with elements of neo-realism. This therefore grasp the two genre of crime and drama similar to my film and presents it in a less conventional way. In light of this films success, an Academy Award Winner; I have decided that I would have my film produced by this company. Miramax is an American entertainment company known for producing and distributing films and television shows. Miramax was founded in 1979 by brothers Bob and Harvey Weinstein, and was a leading independent film motion picture distribution and production company before it was acquired by the Walt Disney Company on June 30, 1993.  Miramax was sold by Disney to Filmyard Holdings, a joint venture of Colony NorthStar, Tutor-Saliba Corporation, and Qatar Investment Authority, in 2010, ending Disney’s 17-year ownership of the studio. In 2016, ownership was transferred to be IN Media Group. It is notable that even films like ‘Bridget Jones’s Baby’ who was produced by Miramax had an alternative production aspect to it, as the fantasy film challenges conventions of the ages of the actors, the plot doesn’t follow Todorov Narrative Theory. This further consolidates my trust in the fact that this company would produce my film and would be engaged with the plot being structures as it is.

Advertising Campaign:

To advertise my film trailer I would have it shown on the TV during the adverts between mass media shows like ‘I’m a Celeb’ as this form of advertising will be seen by many while people wait for their favourite shows. The show ‘I’m a Celeb’ is a nation viewed tv program and aimed at a similar audience to our target audience (12A). To promote the film; I would also show it in the cinema before films begin as his is a goo way to get people who are of the target audience to look at upcoming films. As the film trailer is for aged at teens to young adults which revolve around social media; a main part of the advertising will be online. This is because most teenagers an young adults will have at least one sort of social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter, where they spend more of their time online watching the news, documentaries, soap operas, movies and listening to music. As well as social media; it is still relevant to advertise using offline media such as the TV and print media i.e. bill boards. A good us of advertisement is also placing actors form the film or film gossip an d previews in magazine front covers with someone from the film or other embedded intertextuality such as a film that they know of on the cover would still be likely to engage with this and potentially buy the magazine. Furthermore, my main actors/actresses and the themes of my magazine incorporate the main themes of my poster and trailer in order to provide continuity and ideally to attract an audience who already has knowledge of the films’ release and therefore recognises it.

Social Network:

Social network is the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to one’s own. In the past, the channels of communication to consumers were limited to a few free TV channels and a few newspaper titles. Marketers had to fight for space in those channels in order to advertise or promote their brand. This competition drove the cost of marketing formats to rise increase rapidly. However, in this growing digital age, there are a wide variety of channels for consumers to choose from—for instance, online channels eg. Netflix. As I am only a student I do not have the money or the tools to be able to market my film trailer on a large capacity. However; with the use of the online media; i am able to use social networks to be able to publicise the trailer.

Twitter Account: @LoveIsLethalA2

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I chose to advertise the film trailer on Twitter as it is an effective way of creating a mass media attention in the promotion and distribution of any types of media products in the 21st century. Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages, called “tweets.” The features that it includes allows largely respected people, companies and organisations to be followed and their messages broadcast directly onto the newsfeeds of all of the followers, much the same way that the individuals own tweets would be found in the newsfeed of a friend.  Furthermore, the followers themselves have the opportunity to contribute to the distribution themselves by “retweeting” or favouriting the tweet, therefore making the tweet from the account of importance. This will therefore help spread awareness of the film trailer and other things that the @LoveIsLethaA2 posts on he page. Finally, followers are able to comment on the tweets and give their own views and opinions creating widespread awareness, networks and engagement between followers. I made an independent twitter account for my film, a contemporary way for film producers to engage and create a hype over a new film, by keeping their subscribers updated with up to date news about the product and giving them a sense of direct interaction.


As well as using Twitter to be able to distribute my film; I also used my personal Facebook account and made it accessible to all of my friend list. To show people parts of my trailer and blog I put links on Facebook to where they friends can go and watch it or see it.  As most of my friend’s list falls into the demographic of my target audience of teens and young adults, I believe that in distributing on a small scale using Facebook I was able to successfully reach out to an audience and test my trailer’s effectiveness in engaging them. FaceBook is a very powerful social networking site on which many people have been able to post and many videos, photos and other crazes have “gone viral” through the masses of likes, comments and shares it has received. In the 21st century digital technology and given the demographic of my film, it is fitting that I should use FaceBook for the advertisement and distribution of my trailer to allow for ease of consumption by my audience.