Sound Ideas


Music and sound is very important in a trailer as it can help the audience understand the mood and atmosphere of the film. The music can also help to represent the characters in a certain way. For example, music with loud percussion can represent a character as powerful because the music comes across intimidating.

We decided to try out different sounds to see if we liked one for our trailer. We are going to use different music and sounds for different scene in order to set the right mood for the audience. For example, for more romantic scenes (when Max and Alexandra are at a café) will have quieter score than the scenes with Max and Jane in order to set a more serious mood.

Firstly, we decided to pick a song that we liked as that could be a potential song we would use in the trailer for the romantic scenes. We picked the song “i hate u, i love u” by  gnash ft. Olivia O’Brien:

Once we had picked a song, Jay tried it out on different instruments to see what it would sound like.


We really liked the piano because the music sounded emotional and the soft sound of the piano would compliment the romantic scenes well. We also liked the piano because the stressed notes could suggest to the audience that there is danger within the relationship because Max was originally meant to kill Alexandra.


We tried two different approaches with the guitar. Firstly, Jay played the guitar normally without changing the speed or the volume. We did like this way however it did not sound very exciting and therefore it would not represent the romantic scenes as dangerous and exciting.

Therefore, we decided to try the same song on the guitar, but this time increasing the volume further along in the song.

We much preferred the sound of this guitar because the increase in speed and volume added tension. This would be good for the romantic scenes and/or the more serious scenes because the guitar could so the audience that there is something wrong between the characters without telling them, which adds to suspense and keeps the audience engaged.

Our final music versions: